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​L'observatoire des femmes Caribéennes


Raising awareness about the economic impact of Afro-Caribbean women :

Create a series of blog articles or videos that highlight the individual and collective successes of Afro-Caribbean women in Western Canada. The aim would be to show how they contribute to the local economy in various areas such as entrepreneurship and education

Promoting inclusiveness in employment:

Establish an awareness campaign that focuses on the importance of integration and access to quality jobs for Afro-Caribbean women. This could include interviews with employers who have implemented inclusive practices, as well as resources to help women overcome employment challenges.

Highlighting innovation and resilience:

Use social media to share stories and case studies that highlight the resilience, infragility and innovation of these women. The aim is to create a feeling of empowerment and inspiration, while highlighting their role as drivers of socio-economic change.


Dans l'Ouest canadien, la contribution des femmes afro-caribéennes à l'économie locale est à la fois significative et en croissance. Ces femmes font face à des défis uniques, notamment en matière d'intégration et d'accès à l'emploi, mais leur résilience, leur infragilité et leur innovation compensent largement ces obstacles. Elles sont actives dans divers domaines comme l'entrepreneuriat, l'éducation, et l'engagement communautaire, devenant ainsi des moteurs de changement socio-économique. Afin de mettre en lumière cette dynamique positive et encourager son développement.

Our mission

Collaborate with organizations dedicated to the educational and economic success of western Canadians, including new immigrants, while facilitating their professional integration.


À EdiCa



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