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Employability and career guidance

  • 16 Steps


As part of the SECJ project which aims to develop and strengthen the skills of young adults between 15 and 30 years old and provide them with tools for good integration and to engage professionally and grow in their jobs, this module will make it possible to reach to some themes which will confront the people participating in the program with the reality of the job market and the importance of giving themselves the tools for their success and their professional development. First of all, it will be a question of one's self-perception, one's self-esteem and the management of oneself. The approach suggested for this training will allow participants to begin thinking about themselves and about managing themselves and their potential. It will also be a question of examining and exploring and planning the career(s) that will meet their expectations and their skills while having as a framework the question of employability. Practical activities will be offered to those participating in the training and will make it possible to validate the principles and concepts that will be presented as content. Finally, the proposed educational approach will enable engagement in one’s own learning.

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